Errors and Omissions Insurance
What is Errors And Omissions Insurance?
Errors and Omissions Insurance is Professional Liability protection. It is specialized products liability and completed operations coverage when your product is advice, expertise, and specialized. In instances where a professional has failed to perform and caused financial loss, injury, or damage to property, there is probably an Errors and Omissions Insurance exposure and liability. General liability insurance, which includes products and completed operations liability, covers direct loss or injury to people or property caused by a product or service. In most instances these policies cannot provide the broader coverage needed to encompasses the advice, expertise or specialized operations that are provided in Errors and Omissions Insurance policies.
Other Names For Errors and Omissions Insurance
The coverage that Errors and Omissions Insurance provides is often known by different names, depending upon the industry it covers. For example, Errors and Omissions Insurance covering a medical practitioner is frequently referred to as Medical Malpractice. Coverage for Dentists is known as Dental Medical Malpractice insurance. Lawyers, insurance agents, consultants, accountants, engineers, architects, financial brokers, surveyors, Veterinarians, dog groomers, barbers, beauticians, some contractors, software and computer specialists, and other businesses might need some form of Errors and Omissions Insurance.
Why is Errors and Omissions Insurance Needed?
General liability insurance, including products liability, products liability, advertising, and personal injury respond only to instances where a bodily injury has occurred, or where property damage was done. Errors and Omissions Insurance policies (either as a stand-alone coverage or endorsement) cover many of the types of losses that do not trigger coverage under other parts of our insurance coverage making Errors and Omissions Insurance important to provide a legal defense for claims that may arise and indemnity when damages have occurred.
Classes of Errors And Omissions Insurance We Offer

- Barber Shops
- Beauty Shops
- Cemeteries & Crematoriums
- Condo Association D&O
- Contractors E&O
- Dental Laboratories
- Educators
- Florists
- Notary Public E&O

- Funeral Directors
- Hearing Aid Stores
- Optical Goods Stores
- Pastoral Counseling
- Pet Grooming
- Printers
- Technology Firms
- Veterinarians

Additional E&O Classes We’re Adding Soon (after 6/1/2015)

- Accounting & Auditing Services
- Advertising Agencies
- Answering Service Companies
- Business or Management Consultants
- Consultants for Weddings
- Copying and Duplicating Service Businesses
- Court Reporting & Transcription Services
- Embroidery Operations

- Graphic Artists & Designers
- Interior Decorators
- Interpreters or Translators
- Market Research Firms
- Public Speakers
- Stenographic & Secretarial Service Companies
- Tax Preparer’s & Bookkeepers
- Telemarketing Firms
- Travel Agencies

The latter classifications for our Errors and Omissions Insurance coverage are attached to either a Business Owner Policy or Commercial Package Policy and we do not write these operations without adding this coverage by endorsement. Note: We are not a source for medical malpractice insurance, dental malpractice, or engineers and architects E&O with our standard companies. We may have a brokerage relationship that can solve these so contact the agency by phone for a review of your needs and our capabilities.
Errors And Omission Insurance Advice And Service
Quality Errors and Omissions Insurance coverage begins with understanding your needs and the extent of your operation. I have 37 years of experience working with business owners and have a unique and special connection to understanding businesses and their professional insurance needs, including the vital areas of Errors and Omissions insurance. This agency represents quality carriers that have the ability to provide the coverage your business needs whether or not it is ultimately provided inside of our Business Owner Policy (BOP) or our more flexible Commercial Package Policy (CPP) option. Call and ask for Terry McCarthy at (513) 779-7920, 9-5 Monday – Friday most days.
Business Owner Policy Topics
- Business Owners Insurance Quotes
- Apartment Building Insurance
- Barber Shop Insurance
- Beauty Salon Insurance
- Bicycle Store Insurance
- Butcher Shop Insurance
- Camera Store Business Insurance
- Car Wash Insurance
- Computer Retail Store Insurance
- Condo Association Insurance
- Dental Laboratory Insurance
- Dental Office Business Insurance
- Electrical Supply Wholesalers Insurance
- Errors and Omissions Insurance
- Food Distributor Insurance
- Furniture Store Insurance
- Grocery Store Insurance
- Hardware Store Insurance
- Hobby Shop Business Insurance
- Home Improvement Store Insurance
- Hotel-Motel Insurance
- HVAC Distributor Business Insurance
- Insurance for Supermarket Businesses
- Medical Office Business Insurance
- Office Business Insurance
- Optical Goods Store Business Insurance
- Pharmaceutical Distributor Insurance
- Pharmacy Business Insurance
- Pizza Shop Business Insurance
- Plumbing Supply Distributor Insurance
- Restaurant Insurance
- Retail Business Insurance
- Sandwich Shop Business Insurance
- Self Storage Business Insurance
- Software Business Insurance
- Veterinary Business Insurance
- Wholesalers & Distributors Insurance