Apartment Building Insurance can be provided on our Business Owner Policy (BOP) coverage form and is designed to provide comprehensive insurance for small apartment owner insurance requirements. We know that our Apartment Building Insurance is likely to be an excellent policy choice for your needs. Apartment Buildings need coverage for the variety of property and liability exposures inherent in ownership and management of property but, the Apartment Building Insurance needs are similar to the insurance needs and requirements of other commercial property with a few exceptions. Apartment Building Insurance needs to protect the interests of building owners and property managers. This BOP program is for properties with four or more units per building. We do not prefer to insure student occupied properties under this program and the property needs to be modern in all respects. We prefer to write Apartment Building Insurance, on properties built after 1974 but older, modernized, and exceptionally well maintained properties can be entertained in our Apartment Building Insurance programs. Our Apartment Building Insurance Business Owner Insurance program is a great option for most property owners when all the important factors are well understood and identified in the preliminary conversations including loss history. By the way, this policy will not cover flood exposure but we can provide flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program.
Apartment Building Insurance under our BOP policy is designed for most residential and office condominium operations. The Business Owner Policy will typically include the following coverage and options when selected. Basic general liability is included automatically:
Apartment Building Insurance – Liability
- Bodily Injury and Property Damage, Premises Liability
- Personal Injury and Advertising Liability Coverage
- Employment Practices Liability Insurance
- Fellow Employee Coverage
- Host Liquor Liability
- Non-owned Watercraft
- Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability
- Products and Completed Operations Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Ohio Stop Gap Liability Insurance
- Cyber Insurance
Liability insurance protects against the tort of negligence in the Apartment Building Insurance policy. The tort of negligence is a breach of duty that is derived from common law principles that have evolved through decades and even centuries of recorded decisions about our relationships with one another including Apartment Building Insurance clients. A duty is an obligation we owe to someone else. In essence, we owe each other the duty to protect them from the consequences of our actions and when someone is hurt or suffers harm to either body, property, or reputation, in our culture we boil down our grievances to a monetary settlement in most cases. In the case of the liability coverage provided in our Apartment Building Insurance policy, we will pay for the benefit of a legal defense against the claims of injury or damage and we will also pay the amounts that become due to another because a finding of your negligence has occurred through legal proceedings or an agreement accomplished through the negotiations of your insurance carrier and the other people involved in the claim. This includes bodily injury and property damage as a result of events on the premises, through acts on and away from the work facilities, injuries caused by products, advertising injury, personal injuries other than bodily injury, hired and non-owned auto liability, and injury or damage caused due to computer intrusion and compromise when chosen.
Every Apartment Building Insurance policy for property owners should include coverage for personal injury which includes coverage for wrongful eviction, invasion of privacy, defamation of character and similar non-bodily injuries that are more common in landlord-tenant situations.
Property for Apartment Buildings
- Buildings including multiple locations
- Business Personal Property used to service the property
- Building Limit Automatic Increase at the Time of Loss
- Valuable Papers and Records
- Accounts Receivable Coverage
- Computer Coverage and Cyber Crime
- Outdoor Signs—Attached and Detached
- Building Ordinance or Law Coverage
- Off-Premises Coverage for Business Personal Property, including Property in Transit
- Earthquake Coverage (Some carriers)
- Loss of Rents, Business Income, including Extra Expense Coverage
- Coverage For Water Back-up
- Equipment Breakdown
Property insurance is required to be included when an Apartment Building policy is issued. We must include the business personal property, stock and fixtures because the Apartment Building Insurance policy is a package policy that requires both liability and property coverage be included. The reason the BOP policy is cost effective is the large package credits that are built into the premium charges. The business owner policy provides a lot of coverage in a tidy package and it is flexible enough to handle several locations and variety of situations for building, business personal property, computer and cyber-crime needs, signs, coverage on or off premises, loss of business income, and break down of critical building mechanical systems that may alter your ability to operate. Larger Apartment Building complexes may be equally served by our commercial package policy when property values exceed the thresholds built into our Apartment Building Insurance business owner policy package program. The BOP program is for the small to medium sized apartment operations.
Inland Marine and Special Property
(See IM Section for more Details)
Mobile equipment and property that leaves the building is best covered with an inland marine endorsement that is designed for equipment that may float to where you actually do your work, like for example, laptop computers that are taken to a local or business event. Certain equipment that is mobile in nature and leaves the business premises will find the broad coverage of the inland marine policy endorsement is best method of insurance for this type of property.
Umbrella Liability
Apartment Building Insurance often includes an Umbrella liability policy as an additional limit of liability coverage because of the number of units involved and the potential for large liability claims in a disaster. An Umbrella policy protects for damages that exceed primary policies and sometimes losses that were not covered in the primary policies but were not excluded by the language of the umbrella policy. Most carriers offering an umbrella policy to cover over underlying policies they also write. It is good to know what is and isn’t covered by the Umbrella so make sure to ask.
Crime and Fidelity
- Employee Theft
- Crime Inside
- Crime Outside
While you are busy operating and managing Association business, your Apartment Building Insurance can be on guard for the loss of money through theft, robbery or burglary, or the dishonesty of an employee. These are losses that can cripple a business and tailoring the needs for crime and fidelity coverage can be done within the Business Owner Policy for Apartment Building business needs.
Business Auto
(See business Auto Section for Details)
When you operate owned autos as a part of your Apartment business, it is important to insure the vehicles with liability protection just like the premises and operations. The business auto coverage is dealt with in great detail in the business auto section. Follow the link to this section for my information.
Apartment Building Insurance – What Influences Cost?

- Geographic location – rates are earned by areas
- Known hazards and risks of the area of the property
- Structure size and number of structures
- Proximity of structures to each other
- Number of Rental Units in Development
- Building Age, Condition, and Maintenance
- Electrical Equipment and its updates to code
- Are Smokers Permitted
- Are Grills permitted on decks
- Does your complex have a swimming pool

- Coverage type from choices available
- Amount of Coverage chosen
- Percentage of Replacement Cost Insured
- What are the fire safety features
- Does the property have a sprinkler system
- Does the property have gated access
- entrances equipped for control of access
- Installed burglar and fire alarms in units
- Past loss history on this location
- Experience of the management
Professional Advice and Agency Service
Quality coverage begins with understanding your needs and the extent of your operation. I have 37 years of experience working with business owners and have insured hundreds of millions of dollars of apartment and condo property through the years. Apartment Building Insurance is competitive so if you’re looking to help trim expenses at your Condo check with me. When it comes to Apartment Building Insurance I have considerable experience working with Association management organizations. I understand the need for thorough insurance and professional service and advice. This agency represents quality carriers that have the ability to provide the coverage your Association needs whether or not it is ultimately provided inside of our Business Owner Policy or our more flexible Commercial Package Policy (CPP) option. Call and ask for Terry McCarthy at (513) 779-7920, 9-5 Monday – Friday most days. We’re available to meet at most any time with an appointment in advance.
Business Owner Policy Topics
- Business Owners Insurance Quotes
- Apartment Building Insurance
- Barber Shop Insurance
- Beauty Salon Insurance
- Bicycle Store Insurance
- Butcher Shop Insurance
- Camera Store Business Insurance
- Car Wash Insurance
- Computer Retail Store Insurance
- Condo Association Insurance
- Dental Laboratory Insurance
- Dental Office Business Insurance
- Electrical Supply Wholesalers Insurance
- Errors and Omissions Insurance
- Food Distributor Insurance
- Furniture Store Insurance
- Grocery Store Insurance
- Hardware Store Insurance
- Hobby Shop Business Insurance
- Home Improvement Store Insurance
- Hotel-Motel Insurance
- HVAC Distributor Business Insurance
- Insurance for Supermarket Businesses
- Medical Office Business Insurance
- Office Business Insurance
- Optical Goods Store Business Insurance
- Pharmaceutical Distributor Insurance
- Pharmacy Business Insurance
- Pizza Shop Business Insurance
- Plumbing Supply Distributor Insurance
- Restaurant Insurance
- Retail Business Insurance
- Sandwich Shop Business Insurance
- Self Storage Business Insurance
- Software Business Insurance
- Veterinary Business Insurance
- Wholesalers & Distributors Insurance